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会议文章 |
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Yu ACH(2017),Astrocytic Specializations for Neuron-astrocyte Interaction,北京神经科学学会胶质细胞及相关疾病专业委员会成立大会暨胶质细胞研究进展研讨会,2017年12月17日,北京 |
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Yu ACH(2017),粤港澳大湾区的医药领域合作与前景,2017深圳国际BT领袖峰会和生物/生命健康产业展览会(分会场:深圳生物技术与生物医药创投研讨会---聚焦免疫治疗投资新方向),2017年9月21日-23日,深圳会展中心 |
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Yu ACH(2017),如何促进河南与港澳台地区的合作交流,第十一届中国(河南)国际投资贸易洽谈会豫港澳台合作发展对接会,2017年3月29日,河南,郑州 |
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Yu ACH(2016), 生物芯片技术产业化发展应用与质量思考。2016中国生物技术产业质量基础计量与标准会议,2016年12月1日-2日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH(2016), Two New Specialization in Astrocytes for Reading Neuronal Cues, The 12th International Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism “Energy Metabolism and Neuron-Glia Interactions in Brain: from Molecular Mechanisms to Novel Therapeutic Approaches, 2016年5月28日-28日,中国,香港 |
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于常海(2015),生物科技发展和生物计量的密切关系,“第二届中国生物计量发展研讨会”暨“生物标准化技术研讨会”,2015年11月6日-8日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH(2015), Cell drinking promotes reactive astrocyte motility, The Role of Glial Cells in Physiology and Patholoy: German-Chinese Glia Meeting, 2015年9月13日-15日,德国,柏林 |
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于常海(2015),星形胶质细胞和神经元通过谷氨酸功能偶联(Astrocyte and Neuron Intone Through Glutamate),湖南省神经科学学会成立大会暨首届学术研讨会,2015年8月8日,湖南,长沙 |
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Yu ACH(2015), New specializations in astrocytes involved in neurocommunication functions, CSH Asia Meeting on Novel Insights into Glia Function & Dysfunction,2015年6月22日-26日,中国,苏州 |
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Yu ACH(2015), How Hong Kong can be a Worldwide Platform to Foster Partnership and Knowledge Transfer for High Technology Business, Bio-medical Study Mission,2015年6月8日,加拿大,多伦多 |
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于常海(2015),沪港生科合作共赢,沪港合作高峰讲座2015,2015年5月30日,香港 |
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Yu ACH(2015), Glial Cells in Health and Disease, 2015 "Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia & Neurons" Gordon Research Conference, 2015年3月1日-6日,美国,加利福尼亚,文图拉 |
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Yu ACH(2015), Hong Kong: Biotechnology Hub & Gateway to the Mainland Market,Think Global, Think Hong Kong Luncheon Seminar,2015年2月6日,日本,大阪 |
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Yu ACH(2015), Hong Kong Strengths Towards Opportunities in China, World Medical Forum of Medical Japan 2015,2015年2月6日,日本,大阪 |
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Yu ACH,Ying Pang, Feng Jiang, Rui Chao Chai, Jiao Hua Jiang(2014) New functions of Glutamate in astrocytes,中德胶质细胞双边论坛,2014年10月22日-24日,中国,深圳 |
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于常海,高凯(2014)星形胶质细胞:阿尔茨海默病的重要参与者,2014全国老年痴呆与认知障碍相关疾病学术研讨会,2014年8月8日-12日,中国,青海西宁 |
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Yu ACH (2013) Specialization in Astrocytes Involved in Glutamate-Elicited Responses,The PUHSC-SSSTC Joint Symposium,2013年10月14-17日,中国,北京 |
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于常海(2013)星形胶质细胞-脑疾病和药物研究的新靶点,第十三届全国生化与分子药理学学术会议 2013年8月3日-5日,黑龙江,大庆 |
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Yu ACH (2013) Specialization in Astrocytes Involved in Glutamate‐Elicited Responses,PKU-UCLA Joint Research Institute in Scinece and Engineer 4th Annual Symposium,2013年7月1日,中国,北京 |
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于常海(2013)生物科技企业在香港的发展- 详细分析生物科技企业赴香港投资发展的优势,“善用香港优势 开展海外市场”生物科技业专题研讨会,2013年5月22日-23日,中国,无锡 |
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Yu ACH (2012) EFADchip® is a novel system for future cancer diagnostics,China-US Symposium on the State-of-the-Art of Cancer Research andFuture Directions for Global Collaboration. 2012年11月4-6日,北京 |
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于常海(2012)神经损伤中胶质细胞作用及调控机制,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)--中枢神经损伤修复与功能重建中胶质细胞的作用及意义项目2011年度总结会,2012年2月3日-5日,杭州 |
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于常海(2011)EFADchip®系统:简单易用的临床分子药理学研究平台,全国第十二届生化与分子药理学学术会议,2011年8月19日-22日,宜昌 |
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Yu ACH (2011) EFADchip® – Revolutionary Multifaceted Applications of LOAC, BIT Life Sciences' 3rd Annual World Congress of Biosoft-2011. Mar. 23-25, Beijing. |
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Yu ACH,Sun FB, Wang JH, Zhao R.(2010) Dream in Astrocyte - A New Target for Chornic Pain Therapy, The 10th Biennial Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry, Oct. 17-20, Phuket, Thailand. |
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Yu ACH (2010) On Biotechnology:Interfacing Academia,Society and Entrepreneurship,HongKong-Denmark Joint Conference on Nanomedicine and Synthetic Biology,2010年3月11日,香港 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Novel Nucleic Acid-Based Lab-on-a-Chip for Infectious Disease Diagnosis,The 4th International Conference on Sensors. 2009年7月29-31日,泰国,曼谷 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Glutamate Induces a Specific Nuclear Size Change in Astrocyte through Aquaporin 1,The American Society for Cell Biology 49th Annual Meeting. 2009年12月5-9日,美国,圣地亚哥 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Rapid Point-of-care Diagnosis Using Novel Field-assisted Lab-on-a-Chip System,BIT's 2nd Annual Congress and Expo of Molecular Diagnostics (CEMD-2009). 2009年11月19-23日,中国,北京 |
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于常海(2009)星形胶质细胞参与慢性痛的机制,中国神经科学学会第八届全国学术会议. 2009年11月7日-10日,中国,广州 |
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于常海(2009)强啡肽原及其转录调节因子DREAM在星形胶质细胞中的表达和调节,神经科学、循证医学与传统老年医学北京高峰论坛. 2009年10月16-18日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Astrocytes in primary culture as a cell model to study CNS injury and ageing,"Modern Methods of Molecular Age Research" workshop. 2009年10月15-16日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Intrinsic protective protein: factors to protect us from neural injury,The 22nd Biennial Meeting of the ISN/APSN Joint Meeting Satellite Conference---“Novel Strategies for Intervention in Neurodegenerative Diseases”. 2009年8月30日-9月2日,台湾 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Novel Field-assisted Lab-on-a-Chip System for Rapid Point-of-care Diagnosis,Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress.,2009年8月6-7日,美国 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Winning The War Against Influenza Pandemics: The Demand for Innovative Diagnostic Tools for Pre-emptive Surveillance,BIT Life Sciences’s 2nd Annual World Summit of Antivirals,2009年7月18-20日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Novel Field-Assisted Lab-on-a-Chip System for Rapid Point-of-Care Diagnosis,The 6th Annual Molecular Diagnostics-"New Wave to Personalized Medicine",2009年2月25-27日,美国,旧金山 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Are We Prepared For The Battle Against Influenza,中国生物计量发展研讨会2009,2009年6月25-26日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Biotechnology in Hong Kong - Hai Kang Life Corporation from Innovation to Commercialization,The Forum Sino-Italian TechX. 2009年6月22日,香港 |
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Yu ACH (2009) Early Detection of H5N1 and SARS Virus,The 5th Asia-Pacific Society for Molecular Immunohistology (APSMI) Annual Conference,2009年6月5-6日,中国,汕头 |
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Yu ACH (2009) How New, Efficient but Inexpensive Biotechnological Techniques Could be Able to Assist Local Islander to Prevent Spreading of Infectious Diseases,The 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress,2009年3月2-6日,法属波利尼西亚 |
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Yu ACH (2008) Novel PCR-based Pathogen Detection System for Rural Areas,IMBC 2008 International Microbial Biotechnology Conference and Workshop on Metagenome,2008年11月11-12日,印度尼西亚,雅加达 |
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于常海(2008)慢行疼痛治疗的新靶点:星形胶质细胞,全国生化与分子药理学学术研讨会,2008年9月17-19日,中国,银川 |
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Yu ACH (2008) Glutamate induces nuclear swelling in astrocyte through aquaporin-1,Wierzba IV-Glutamate in the Tripartite Synapse: Functional and metabolic relations in norm and pathology, 2008年8月23-27日,波兰 |
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Yu ACH (2008) Endogenous Neuroprotective Protein to protect cell death under Ischemia,The 3rd ISN Special Neurochemistry Conference - 8th International Meeting on Brain Energy Metabolism – "Neurodegeneration and Regeneration", 2008年6月27日-7月1日,中国,北京 |
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Yu ACH (2008) Collaborative opportunities on BioInformatics in the diagnosis of Infectious Diseases:Our Preparedness in Battle Against Avian Influenza,The 2nd ASEAN China International Bioinformatics Workshop and 3rd East Asia Bioinformation Network Meeting,2008年4月16-18日,新加坡 |
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Yu ACH (2007) Model Company for Biotech in Hong Kong — HKDNA Chips. APBN, 2007:11 |
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Wang JH, Sun FB, Sun HR, Gao Z, Dong Y , Yu ACH (2007) Functional Dynorphin is Present in Cultured Astrocytes, The first Chinese International Bioactive Neuropeptide Conference, May. 10-13, Beijing. |
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Zhou Y, Li HL, Ma YY, Yang LT, Lau LT, Cui CL, Han JS, Yu ACH (2007) Ischemia induces Expression of NMDA Receptors in Astrocytes, The first Chinese International Bioactive Neuropeptide Conference, May. 10-13, Beijing. |
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Yue X, Wang JH, Xing GG, Wang XL, Han CY, Qin LY, Wan Y, Yu ACH (2007) Astrocytes in primary cultures expressed HCN channel which could be regulted by potassium and glutamate, The first Chinese International Bioactive Neuropeptide Conference, May. 10-13, Beijing. |